UPDATED. 2024-05-03 17:52 (금)

German Investors Increasing Crypto Investments Ahead of Bitcoin Halving: KPMG Study
German Investors Increasing Crypto Investments Ahead of Bitcoin Halving: KPMG Study
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.04.16 09:28
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The study, which surveyed approximately 2,400 private crypto investors across Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, sheds light on changing investment behaviors and attitudes in the DACH region. Renewed Optimism and CautionThe findings reveal an increase in crypto investments, with 54% of respondents allocating over 20% of their total investments to digital assets. This trend is evident in the considerable gap between registration on crypto exchanges and active usage. Security remains an important concern for investors when selecting preferred crypto exchanges, with 82% emphasizing its importance. In 2019, laws were passed allowing banks to handle cryptocurrencies, and talks are ongoing about rules for crypto exchanges and ICOs.

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