UPDATED. 2024-05-02 17:10 (목)

Analyst Points To Possible 30% Bitcoin Correction, Calls For Caution
Analyst Points To Possible 30% Bitcoin Correction, Calls For Caution
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.04.17 09:05
이 기사를 공유합니다

Given that pullbacks of 30% are historically common for BTC, Shiller foresees the potential for this to repite this cycle. Should the trend manifest, the price of BTC could fall as low as $51,000 in the upcoming months. The post read:With the historical tendency to produce -30% pullbacks, what happens to the landscape if BTC does head down for a -30% correction and into the $51,000? BTC Price Continues To FallThe price of Bitcoin continues to move downward, falling to $63,000 after a recovery witnessed on Monday. Given the current trajectory in the crypto market, BTC might suffer an even greater decrease in the next few days.

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