UPDATED. 2024-05-17 17:27 (금)

European Threat To End-To-End Encryption Would Invade Phones
European Threat To End-To-End Encryption Would Invade Phones
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.05.08 08:56
이 기사를 공유합니다

Photographer: Nathan Laine/Bloomberg © 2024 Bloomberg Finance LPEuropean lawmakers have been implementing a way to circumvent end-to-end encryption to address child sexual abuse material ("CSAM") - what some activists term the "Chat Control" law. However, the definition of a "High-risk" service is any that offers end-to-end encryption and real-time communications - apps like Signal and WhatsApp, used widely by so many, would fall under that definition. This is "more intrusive [than a backdoor to end-to-end encryption], but officially, they can say we don't break the encryption; you still have your end-to-end encryption, so that's how they tried to sell it to the general public." But make no mistake - screening all user devices is more intrusive and harmful than even a backdoor to end-to-end encryption. The scanning algorithm is also technically inelegant.

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