UPDATED. 2024-05-17 17:27 (금)

Watch, Unlock and Own with Gala's Web3 World of Film
Watch, Unlock and Own with Gala's Web3 World of Film
  • 장명관 기자
  • 승인 2024.05.08 11:04
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Unveiling Gala Film: A New Dawn in Cinema Experience

In such a fast moving and technologically advanced world, the fusion of art and tech brings some of the most interesting and innovative new creations to life. Gala is looking ahead at a massive shift that will change the way we experience our favorite entertainment. 

When it comes to filmmaking and video content streaming, Gala has tapped into the power of its native L1 blockchain, GalaChain, to create Gala Film, a revolutionary platform at the forefront of this transformation. Gala Film is set to redefine the interaction between filmmakers and audiences through an empowering web3 ecosystem that will become more decentralized as it grows.

With exclusive video content streaming free for actual rewards, Gala Film is poised to revolutionize the industry. This article delves into the core components that make Gala Film a unique contender in the digital age of cinema.

◆Watch, Unlock, and Own: A New Paradigm
At the heart of Gala Film's philosophy lies the innovative concept of "Watch, Unlock, and Own," which outlines the platform’s main value proposition for every type of user from filmmakers to fans. This model empowers viewers not just to watch films but to engage with them on a deeper level.

As audiences watch movies and series on Gala Film, they unlock various milestones and rewards, including exclusive “Director Cut” content, digital collectibles, chances to win physical merchandise and more. Basically, Gala Film transforms passive viewing into an interactive experience.

Not only can every Gala Film user stream content for free, but all users can start unlocking Director Cuts and receive $FILM rewards, even before becoming an NFT owner. Everyone can benefit from the engaging and rewarding web3 film experience, even those who do not yet understand the benefits of web3 tech.

◆Powered by Nodes
One of the most advanced aspects of the Gala Film ecosystem is also one of the most powerful ways to support the platform for rewards. Gala Film’s Theater Nodes comprise a DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) that can both host and deliver film content without the need for centralized servers or heavy infrastructure.

Theater Node operators have purchased a license to run a Gala Film workload, offering computing power to host content in exchange for regular $FILM rewards for their activity. The wider Gala ecosystem operates similarly with its original Founder’s Node network, whose operators power the operation of GalaChain in exchange for regular $GALA rewards.

17.5% of generated $FILM is allocated to Gala Film Theater Node operators as rewards, making theirs a substantial share of the platform’s total rewards. Additionally, as the platform continues to move toward total decentralization each year, an additional ~2% yearly will be allocated to this Theater Node reward pool.

◆Collecting NFT Moments
NFT Moments are the main way for fans to collect digital items in support of individual Gala Film productions such as films or series. These unique digital collectibles represent moments from curated scenes of various films or series, but they’re much more than just collectibles. Moments unlock platform rewards for their owners.

Because Moments are connected to individual pieces of content, Moment owners have a unique  chance to share in the success of that production, receiving rewards based on the number of views to that content within each 24 hour period.

With nearly 20% of all generated $FILM allocated to artists and owners of Moments, choosing to collect Moments from a winning project can substantially boost your collection through daily $FILM rewards. 

◆Gamified Engagement
Gala Film elevates viewer interaction through gamified elements. By collecting complete sets of NFT Moments, viewers can unlock major $FILM reward boosts for their collection in that production. By collecting every Moment and Scene for a particular series or film, users will unlock the Max Boost, receiving more rewards per Moment than a typical owner.

By supporting the ecosystem through activities like watching episodes, sharing content and referring users, Gala Film fans can receive Mystery Boxes containing Shards. When combined, these Shards will unlock an array of exclusive Director Cuts and special content, adding layers of engagement that incentivize deeper interaction with the films. This gamification not only enhances the viewing experience but also fosters a strong community around content creation, giving users a real incentive to share what they found in the compelling world of Gala Film.

For completing various ecosystem supporting actions (outlined in the Litepaper), users who do not own NFTs can also receive $FILM rewards. An initial 12.5% of generated $FILM is allocated to a reward pool for ecosystem supporting behaviors, allowing everyone the opportunity to start collecting rewards and become more involved in the growing ecosystem.

◆The Role of $FILM Token
$FILM is the official utility token and cornerstone of Gala Film’s ecosystem, designed to empower both viewers and filmmakers. This token facilitates everything from crowdfunding new projects (described below in “Pitches”) to accessing special content and voting on platform decisions. As viewers engage with content, they accumulate $FILM tokens, which can be used to influence the creative process and support favorite filmmakers, making the audience a vital part of the filmmaking process.

NOTE: $FILM has not yet held its original Token Generation Event, so the placeholder token (POPCORN!) is currently being issued for all platform rewards. Once $FILM has launched, POPCORN! Will become exchangeable for $FILM at a set rate.

◆Premiering 'RZR' by David Bianchi
With the recent unveiling of its new reward enabled platform, Gala Film recently premiered 'RZR,' a sci-fi thriller series by David Bianchi. This Gala Film exclusive series not only showcases the innovative content available on Gala Film but also demonstrates how the platform can serve as a launching pad for unique and compelling narratives with gamified collectibles and rewards.

RZR Moment Packs ($79.99) containing single NFT Moments are currently available in the Gala Film store, as well as RZR Premiere Mystery Boxes ($3.99) containing prize chances and rare Shards to unlock Director Cuts. These items demonstrate the wide range of reward potential for Gala Film users, whether building an NFT collection or just watching and enjoying the show.

◆The Pitches System: Crowdfunding Creativity
An exciting upcoming feature of Gala Film that promises to be a real game changer for the film industry is the "Pitches" system. Basically, Gala Film Pitches is a crowd-funding platform that democratizes the process of film production. Through Pitches, anyone from aspiring filmmakers to film enthusiasts from the Gala community can propose new film projects and seek funding directly from the community using $FILM tokens.

This system will not only fund the ideas but also reward contributors with various benefits, including early access to films, exclusive behind-the-scenes content, and even participation in the films' actual production in creative ways.

◆The Future of Film
Gala Film represents a bold step forward in the democratization of the film industry. By applying GalaChain’s unparalleled speed, security and scalability to a film industry ripe for revolution, Gala Film has created a new way to engage with the filmmaking process for artists and fans alike. As this ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, it promises to unlock unprecedented opportunities for both creators and audiences to shape the future of film.

Gala Film is not just redefining how films are made and watched; it's rebuilding the cinema landscape into a more inclusive, interactive and community-driven environment. This is the future of film, brought to life by the web3 wizards at Gala. Join Gala Film in this cinematic revolution, where your view counts and your participation matters.


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