UPDATED. 2024-05-20 15:35 (월)

OSU president slammed for commencement speaker choice: An unknown Bitcoin investor who wrote his speech ‘high’
OSU president slammed for commencement speaker choice: An unknown Bitcoin investor who wrote his speech ‘high’
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.05.09 10:20
이 기사를 공유합니다

Despite never having given a speech of that size, Mr Pan was nonetheless selected to helm the ceremony. “pov: ur graduating from OSU and the commencement speaker is asking us to sing and dance,” the user wrote. The Independent has reached out to Mr Pan, OSU, and Mr Carter for comment. Ohio State University President Walter Edward ‘Ted’ Carter ( Ohio State University )Bitcoin enthusiasts on social media made clear they approved of the speech. "OSU graduate, Chris Pan, takes ayahuasca to write his commencement speech and then tells 60,000 people buy #Bitcoin to protect their purchasing power," the account wrote.

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