UPDATED. 2024-04-30 17:13 (화)

Peter Schiff Debates Natalie Brunell On Bitcoin: 'If Natalie Were Smart, She Would Sell All'
Peter Schiff Debates Natalie Brunell On Bitcoin: 'If Natalie Were Smart, She Would Sell All'
  • 블록체인투데이
  • 승인 2024.04.17 09:06
이 기사를 공유합니다

The battle between Bitcoin BTC/USD and gold for the title of “ultimate store of value” continues to rage, with well-known gold proponent Peter Schiff squaring off against investing journalist and podcaster Natalie Brunell in a Fox Business debate. What Happened: The debate saw Brunell defending Bitcoin’s performance and potential against Schiff’s harsh critique. Brunell pointed out that despite short-term fluctuations, Bitcoin’s long-term performance has been stellar compared to traditional assets like gold, stocks, and real estate. In fact, since the recent geopolitical tensions, Bitcoin is up 125% and gold is up only 27%,” Brunell stated, emphasizing Bitcoin’s resilience and growth potential. “Bitcoin does provide hope for us, the working class…we need a system that is for the people.

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